
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
7768GJ (-2232GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
117.34tf (+7.34tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
553.57% (+41.57%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
70455MW (+455MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
443.65% (-31.35%)
PI Koschinov
Created byPI Koschinov

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We are currently missing data to provide an AI prediction for this type of modules. We only recorded 3 trades so far (min. needed: 50)

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50000MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
96 million
50000MN Microwarpdrive I
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50000MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
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50000MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
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50000MN Microwarpdrive II
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Domination 50000MN Microwarpdrive
2 billion
Shadow Serpentis 50000MN Microwarpdrive
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