
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
22.3GJ (+2.3GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
11.58s (+1.58s)
Area of effect radius
Area of effect radius
6339.6m (+939.6m)
CPU usage
CPU usage
27.7tf (-2.3tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
7.13MW (-0.87MW)
Thermal damage
Thermal damage
57.29HP (-2.71HP)

Created by

Nicolas Kion

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'YF-12a' Compact Small Plasma Smartbomb
22 thousand
Small Plasma Smartbomb I
30 thousand
Small Plasma Smartbomb II
268 thousand
'Seething' Small Plasma Smartbomb
Federation Navy Small Plasma Smartbomb
3.8 million
Shadow Serpentis Small Plasma Smartbomb
5.5 million
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