
Accuracy falloff
Accuracy falloff
59111.1m (+5111.1m)
Armor Hitpoints
Armor Hitpoints
737.28HP (+17.28HP)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.522x (+0.072)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
33429.6m (-2570.4m)
Shield Capacity
Shield Capacity
927.74HP (-32.26HP)
Structure Hitpoints
Structure Hitpoints
1652.83HP (-75.17HP)
Turret Tracking
Turret Tracking
0.01 (0)
Rinah Minayin
Created byRinah Minayin

AI Value prediction

49 million ISK

This is an experimental feature, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Bouncer I
282 thousand
Curator I
370 thousand
Garde I
265 thousand
Warden I
329 thousand
Bouncer II
2.4 million
Curator II
2.6 million
Garde II
1.8 million
Warden II
2.3 million
Caldari Navy Warden
2.8 million
Federation Navy Garde
3 million
Imperial Navy Curator
2.9 million
Republic Fleet Bouncer
2.5 million
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