
CPU usage
CPU usage
58.1tf (+18.1tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
217.5MW (+72.5MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
3210.35HP (+460.35HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
15.17m (-4.83m)
Striker Eriker
Created byStriker Eriker

AI Value prediction

441 million ISK

This is an experimental feature, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Large Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender
67 thousand
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
102 thousand
Large Shield Extender I
117 thousand
Large Shield Extender II
1.3 million
Large 'Sheriff' Shield Extender
34 million
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
28 million
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
30 million
Thukker Large Shield Extender
77 million
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