
Capacitor Bonus
Capacitor Bonus
1672.87GJ (-82.13GJ)
Capacitor Warfare Resistance Bonus
Capacitor Warfare Resistance Bonus
-33.11% (-5.11%)
CPU usage
CPU usage
58.06tf (+16.06tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
235.96MW (-44.04MW)
850 million ISKEst. 509 million ISK
The Funkaholic
Created byThe Funkaholic

AI Value prediction

509 million ISK

This is an experimental feature, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Large Cap Battery I
238 thousand
Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
51 thousand
Large Cap Battery II
2 million
'Thurifer' Large Cap Battery
288 million
Domination Large Cap Battery
50 million
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
26 million
Thukker Large Cap Battery
50 million
2024-12-02 13:0424 days ago
2024-12-30 13:04in 4 days
850 million