
CPU usage
CPU usage
27.21tf (+7.21tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.139x (+0.019)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
9.843% (-1.16%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.3% (+0.45%)
Matteo H Patel
Created byMatteo H Patel

AI Value prediction

115 million ISK

This is an experimental feature, so take it with a grain of salt.


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Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer
69 thousand
Gyrostabilizer I
77 thousand
Gyrostabilizer II
1.4 million
'Basic' Gyrostabilizer
22 million
'Kindred' Gyrostabilizer
28 million
Vadari's Custom Gyrostabilizer
32 million
Domination Gyrostabilizer
74 million
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
94 million
Gotan's Modified Gyrostabilizer
14 billion
Hakim's Modified Gyrostabilizer
6.9 billion
Mizuro's Modified Gyrostabilizer
4.3 billion
Shaqil's Modified Gyrostabilizer
Tobias' Modified Gyrostabilizer
20 billion
No results.