
CPU usage
CPU usage
26.16tf (+6.16tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.118x (-0.002)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.535% (+1.53%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
27.82% (+1.98%)
Est. 341 million ISK Rolled by Lynn Araya
Lynn Araya
Created byLynn Araya

AI Value prediction

341 million ISK

This is an experimental feature, so take it with a grain of salt.


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Extruded Compact Heat Sink
30 thousand
Heat Sink I
50 thousand
Heat Sink II
1.5 million
'Basic' Heat Sink
30 million
'Trebuchet' Heat Sink I
55 million
Tahron's Custom Heat Sink
45 million
Ammatar Navy Heat Sink
150 million
Dark Blood Heat Sink
108 million
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
93 million
True Sansha Heat Sink
90 million
Ahremen's Modified Heat Sink
5.4 billion
Brokara's Modified Heat Sink
2.9 billion
Chelm's Modified Heat Sink
15 billion
Draclira's Modified Heat Sink
14 billion
Raysere's Modified Heat Sink
3.3 billion
Selynne's Modified Heat Sink
3.6 billion
Tairei's Modified Heat Sink
2 billion
Vizan's Modified Heat Sink
6.9 billion
Lynn ArayaLynn Araya
2024-12-22 03:572 days ago
2025-01-19 03:57in 26 days
95 million