
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
103.33GJ (-1.67GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
14.68s (+2.68s)
Area of effect radius
Area of effect radius
10552.5m (+1552.5m)
CPU usage
CPU usage
64.73tf (+0.73tf)
Kinetic damage
Kinetic damage
438.7HP (-11.29HP)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
1831.2MW (+81.2MW)
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Yik trade

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'Concussion' Compact Large Graviton Smartbomb
755 thousand
Large Graviton Smartbomb I
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Large Graviton Smartbomb II
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'Blasting' Large Graviton Smartbomb
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Estamel's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
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Kaikka's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
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Thon's Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
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Vepas' Modified Large Graviton Smartbomb
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Rekan SazasRekan Sazas
2024-11-02 19:351 month ago
2024-11-30 19:353 days ago
3.5 billion