
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Amount Bonus
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Amount Bonus
96.79% (-3.21%)
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Duration Bonus
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Duration Bonus
-50.65% (-0.65%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
103215MW (-1785MW)
Siege Missile Damage Bonus
Siege Missile Damage Bonus
198.99% (-1.01%)
Turret Damage Bonus
Turret Damage Bonus
841.54% (+1.54%)
No estimate available Rolled by Stasis Webifier I

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Stasis Webifier I

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Siege Module I
141 million
Siege Module II
196 million
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