
Login to MutaMarket

Click the button below to login with your Eve Online account to access our features, like the automated module import, collections and more.

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Tired of listing your items?

We offer a platform where you can list your items fully automated. Just import your modules, set their containers to public and let the offers come in!

Prefer a flat list? We got you!

Sometimes you just want to see all your modules in a flat list. We got you covered! Just click the "List view" button on the modules toolbar!

Find exactly what you need!

It has never been easier to find the modules you need for your ship! See what container a module is in and what index it has in that container*.

* You have to filter for the item type inside the container in order for the index to be accurate! (Click the "Search" input, type in the type name, e.g. "Stasis Webifier", and then look for the module at the n-th position)

Try the context menu!

To see all possible actions, right-click on any item in the module list