

Meta Group

Meta Level


Character portrait
Modules owned by


Value between 1000000 and 100000000000

Estimated value

Activation Cost
Activation Cost
162.82GJ (+2.82GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
2.88s (-0.32s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
137.02tf (+18.02tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
176.18MW (+26.18MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
438.67HP (+68.67HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
2.69HP/GJ (+0.38HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
152.22HP/s (+36.59HP/s)
3.2 billion ISKEst. 697 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
103.42GJ (-56.58GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
3.02s (-0.17s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
149.18tf (+30.18tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
137.75MW (-12.26MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
406.56HP (+36.56HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
3.93HP/GJ (+1.62HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
134.41HP/s (+18.79HP/s)
2.9 billion ISKEst. 2 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
279.04GJ (-120.96GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
3.67s (-0.33s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
328.35tf (+90.34tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
511.65MW (+11.65MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
984.98HP (+60.98HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
3.53HP/GJ (+1.22HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
268.01HP/s (+37.01HP/s)
4.9 billion ISKEst. 1.3 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
99.84GJ (-60.16GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
3.12s (-0.08s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
114.69tf (-4.31tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
184.57MW (+34.58MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
432.9HP (+62.9HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
4.34HP/GJ (+2.02HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
138.78HP/s (+23.15HP/s)
3.7 billion ISKEst. 2 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
78.58GJ (+18.58GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
2.83s (-0.17s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
71.68tf (+20.68tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
17.48MW (+5.48MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
229.62HP (+35.62HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
2.92HP/GJ (-0.31HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
81.25HP/s (+16.59HP/s)
800 million ISKEst. 382 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
370.5GJ (+80.5GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
96.64tf (+31.64tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
194.11% (+29.11%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
790.5MW (+165.5MW)
2.5 billion ISKEst. 830 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
32.54tf (+8.54tf)
Missile Damage Bonus
Missile Damage Bonus
12.47% (+0.47%)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.882% (+1.88%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
29.1% (+3.26%)
990 million ISKEst. 541 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
221.82GJ (+61.82GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
3.08s (-0.12s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
122.98tf (+37.98tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
145.51MW (-4.49MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
289.9HP (+37.9HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
1.31HP/GJ (-0.27HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
94.11HP/s (+15.36HP/s)
300 million ISKEst. 54 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
344.06GJ (+54.06GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
74.89tf (+24.89tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
194.17% (+29.17%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
817.72MW (+4.71MW)
2.2 billion ISKEst. 990 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
178.2GJ (+28.2GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.99tf (+2.99tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
212.65GJ (+32.65GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
17250.75m (+750.75m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
265.82MW (+37.83MW)
650 million ISKEst. 473 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
123.22GJ (-26.77GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
17.76tf (-2.24tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
180.9GJ (+0.9GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
16013.25m (-486.75m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
255.98MW (+27.98MW)
400 million ISKEst. 102 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
115.2GJ (-34.8GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
20.69tf (+0.69tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
188.64GJ (+8.64GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
15055.2m (+1555.2m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
288.15MW (+95.15MW)
300 million ISKEst. 55 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
162.36GJ (+12.36GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
28.52tf (+8.52tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
127.19GJ (-52.81GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
16956m (+3456m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
230.19MW (+37.19MW)
250 million ISKEst. 179 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
131.4GJ (-18.6GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
19.7tf (-0.3tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
217.26GJ (+37.26GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
10032m (-6468m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
280.39MW (+52.39MW)
260 million ISKEst. 75 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
165.36GJ (+15.36GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
26.7tf (+6.7tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
210.35GJ (+30.35GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
16572m (+1572m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
291.63MW (+81.63MW)
460 million ISKEst. 187 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
207.6GJ (+57.6GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
17.08tf (-2.92tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
217.04GJ (+37.04GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
14880m (-120m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
302.8MW (+92.8MW)
320 million ISKEst. 120 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
103.92GJ (-46.08GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
18.45tf (-1.55tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
212.4GJ (+32.4GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
13384.8m (-3115.2m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
290.61MW (+62.61MW)
320 million ISKEst. 139 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
184.08GJ (+34.08GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
21.07tf (+1.07tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
219.85GJ (+39.85GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
16653.6m (+3153.6m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
234.38MW (+41.38MW)
400 million ISKEst. 245 million ISK