

Meta Group

Meta Level


Character portrait
Modules owned by


Value between 1000000 and 100000000000

Estimated value

Activation Cost
Activation Cost
8.74GJ (+3.74GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
29.77tf (+4.76tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
-57.5% (-2.5%)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
15780m (+780m)
550 million ISKEst. 157 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
258.91GJ (-31.09GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
59.15tf (+9.14tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
184.6% (+19.6%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
819.42MW (+6.42MW)
650 million ISKEst. 658 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
147.13GJ (+17.13GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
8.75s (-1.25s)
Area of effect radius
Area of effect radius
10143m (+1143m)
CPU usage
CPU usage
108.8tf (+28.8tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
1390.1MW (+390.1MW)
Thermal damage
Thermal damage
306.6HP (+6.6HP)
1.5 billion ISKNo estimate available
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
335.6GJ (-164.4GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
40.43tf (+0.43tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
601.44GJ (+1.44GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
44620.8m (+12620.8m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
3815.84MW (+1015.84MW)
3.9 billion ISKEst. 1.2 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
362GJ (-138GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
38.19tf (-1.81tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
733.56GJ (+133.56GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
44390.4m (+12390.4m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
3741.36MW (+941.36MW)
6.9 billion ISKEst. 3 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
6.39GJ (+1.39GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
25.95tf (+0.95tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
-58.88% (-3.88%)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
17436m (+2436m)
3 billion ISKEst. 1.7 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
7.66GJ (+2.66GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
32.06tf (+7.06tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
-56.38% (-1.38%)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
17538m (+2538m)
3 billion ISKEst. 863 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
9.05GJ (+4.05GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.29tf (-2.71tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
-55.4% (-0.4%)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
15810m (+810m)
550 million ISKEst. 147 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
29.19GJ (+1.19GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
41.97tf (+3.97tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
30588m (+588m)
500 million ISKEst. 126 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
51.86GJ (+23.86GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
37.21tf (-0.79tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
31200m (+1200m)
500 million ISKEst. 121 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
67.09GJ (+39.09GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
51.89tf (+13.89tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
35448m (+5448m)
750 million ISKEst. 577 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
40.11GJ (+20.11GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
25.66tf (+2.66tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
26218.4m (+218.4m)
500 million ISKEst. 34 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
267.26GJ (-22.74GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
68.02tf (+3.02tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
183.48% (+18.48%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
913.88MW (+288.88MW)
1 billion ISKEst. 542 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
49.17GJ (+21.17GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
47.21tf (+9.21tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
30360m (+360m)
500 million ISKEst. 72 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
44.82GJ (+16.82GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
38.01tf (+0.01tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
30624m (+624m)
500 million ISKEst. 98 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
317.38GJ (+27.38GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
91.86tf (+26.86tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
180.18% (+15.18%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
806.25MW (+181.25MW)
1 billion ISKEst. 389 million ISK