

Meta Group

Meta Level


Character portrait
Modules owned by

Abyssal Brick Holder

Value between 1000000 and 100000000000

Estimated value

Activation Cost
Activation Cost
29.95GJ (-10.05GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
35.52tf (+4.52tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
550.32% (+32.32%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
13.68MW (-1.32MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
504.46% (+94.46%)
400 million ISKEst. 623 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
44.77GJ (+4.77GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
31.14tf (+0.14tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
569.08% (+51.08%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
20.25MW (+5.25MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
389.34% (-20.66%)
1 billion ISKEst. 786 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
40.03GJ (+0.03GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
45.2tf (+14.2tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
483.71% (-34.29%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
12.42MW (-2.58MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
488.47% (+78.47%)
75 million ISKEst. 47 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
38.85GJ (-1.15GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
32tf (+1tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
488.79% (-29.21%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
14.75MW (-0.25MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
330.05% (-79.95%)
70 million ISKEst. 87 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
44.48GJ (+4.48GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
40.58tf (+9.58tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
520.59% (+2.59%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
21.34MW (+6.34MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
290.94% (-119.06%)
80 million ISKEst. 98 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
44.54GJ (+4.54GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
36.8tf (+5.8tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
531.47% (+13.47%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
12.81MW (-2.19MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
422.79% (+12.79%)
200 million ISKEst. 176 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
27.7tf (+7.7tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.1x (-0.02)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.589% (+1.59%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
25.89% (+0.05%)
60 million ISKEst. 46 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
29.06tf (+9.06tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.102x (-0.018)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.282% (+1.28%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
25.67% (-0.17%)
50 million ISKEst. 50 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
43.09GJ (-1.92GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
11.08tf (+1.08tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
55.07GJ (+0.07GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
5928.25m (+928.25m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
11.86MW (+1.86MW)
25 million ISKEst. 31 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
50.36GJ (+5.36GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
12.11tf (+2.11tf)
Neutralization Amount
Neutralization Amount
53.08GJ (-1.92GJ)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
5881m (+881m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
11.46MW (+1.47MW)
20 million ISKEst. 24 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
1650.53GJ (+330.53GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
4.67s (-0.33s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
272.7tf (+72.7tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
593.55MW (+93.55MW)
Reload Time
Reload Time
62.84s (+2.84s)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
1038.41HP (+58.41HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
0.63HP/GJ (-0.11HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
222.26HP/s (+26.26HP/s)
150 million ISKEst. 152 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
29.02tf (+9.02tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.134x (+0.014)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
9.398% (-1.6%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
25.21% (-0.63%)
50 million ISKEst. 54 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
20.8tf (+0.8tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.108x (-0.012)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.139% (+1.14%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.13% (+0.28%)
50 million ISKEst. 55 million ISK