

Meta Group

Meta Level


Contract type


Price between 1000000 and 100000000000


Value between 1000000 and 100000000000

Estimated value

Activation Cost
Activation Cost
36.74GJ (+11.74GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
46.18tf (+6.18tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
19352.5m (-647.5m)
15 billion ISKEst. 2 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
35.43GJ (+10.43GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
45.8tf (+5.8tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
19602.5m (-397.5m)
15 billion ISKEst. 1.7 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
73.86GJ (-1.14GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
10.43s (+0.43s)
Area of effect radius
Area of effect radius
3445.6m (-554.4m)
CPU usage
CPU usage
51.13tf (+1.13tf)
Explosive damage
Explosive damage
103.78HP (+3.78HP)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
240.16MW (+40.16MW)
15 billion ISKNo estimate available
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
52.24GJ (+7.24GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
6.43s (+0.43s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
160.38HP (+25.38HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.19tf (+0.19tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
8.03MW (+1.03MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
3.07HP/GJ (+0.07HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
24.95HP/s (+2.45HP/s)
290 million ISKEst. 328 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
27.43GJ (-17.57GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
6.11s (+0.11s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
146.02HP (+11.02HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.55tf (+0.56tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
9.54MW (+2.54MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
5.32HP/GJ (+2.32HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
23.89HP/s (+1.39HP/s)
500 million ISKEst. 559 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
42.23GJ (-2.77GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.68s (-0.32s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
153.47HP (+18.47HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
5.07tf (+1.07tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
6.83MW (-0.17MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
3.63HP/GJ (+0.63HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
27.04HP/s (+4.54HP/s)
810 million ISKEst. 866 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
28.33GJ (-16.67GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.55s (-0.45s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
126.85HP (-8.15HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.28tf (+0.28tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
10.14MW (+3.14MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
4.48HP/GJ (+1.48HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
22.84HP/s (+0.34HP/s)
210 million ISKEst. 269 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
48.06GJ (+3.06GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.75s (-0.25s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
141.97HP (+6.97HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
5.77tf (+1.77tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
9.06MW (+2.06MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
2.95HP/GJ (-0.05HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
24.69HP/s (+2.19HP/s)
120 million ISKEst. 145 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
35.71GJ (-9.29GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
6.58s (+0.58s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
154.33HP (+19.33HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
3.41tf (-0.59tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
7.45MW (+0.45MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
4.32HP/GJ (+1.32HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
23.46HP/s (+0.96HP/s)
620 million ISKEst. 690 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
27.4GJ (-17.6GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.93s (-0.07s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
147.69HP (+12.69HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.57tf (+0.57tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
5.86MW (-1.14MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
5.39HP/GJ (+2.39HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
24.92HP/s (+2.42HP/s)
1.6 billion ISKEst. 1.7 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
44.57GJ (-0.43GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.49s (-0.52s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
160.92HP (+25.92HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.24tf (+0.24tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
8.97MW (+1.97MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
3.61HP/GJ (+0.61HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
29.34HP/s (+6.84HP/s)
1 billion ISKEst. 1.1 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
59GJ (+14GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.56s (-0.44s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
148.66HP (+13.66HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
4.07tf (+0.07tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
9.3MW (+2.3MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
2.52HP/GJ (-0.48HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
26.73HP/s (+4.23HP/s)
270 million ISKEst. 312 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
48.6GJ (+3.6GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
5.52s (-0.48s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
159.95HP (+24.95HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
5.78tf (+1.78tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
9.43MW (+2.43MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
3.29HP/GJ (+0.29HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
28.98HP/s (+6.48HP/s)
650 million ISKEst. 704 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
20.83tf (+0.83tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.107x (-0.013)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
11.28% (+0.28%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
24.75% (-1.1%)
20 million ISKEst. 43 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
20.61tf (+0.61tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.132x (+0.012)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
11.16% (+0.16%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
27.39% (+1.55%)
150 million ISKEst. 161 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.69tf (+2.69tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.139x (+0.019)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
11.797% (+0.8%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
29.12% (+3.27%)
350 million ISKEst. 467 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
17.61tf (-2.39tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.122x (+0.002)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.411% (+1.41%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
28.09% (+2.25%)
150 million ISKEst. 209 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.9tf (+2.9tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.116x (-0.004)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.818% (-0.18%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
25.13% (-0.71%)
20 million ISKEst. 44 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
28.81tf (+8.81tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.124x (+0.004)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.62% (+1.62%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
28.63% (+2.79%)
200 million ISKEst. 279 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
21.8tf (+1.8tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.105x (-0.015)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
11.356% (+0.36%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
24.63% (-1.22%)
40 million ISKEst. 40 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
19.91tf (-0.09tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.136x (+0.016)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
9.972% (-1.03%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.23% (+0.38%)
50 million ISKEst. 90 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
28.95tf (+8.95tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.131x (+0.011)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.591% (-0.41%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.46% (+0.62%)
55 million ISKEst. 64 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.12tf (+2.12tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.132x (+0.012)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.78% (+1.78%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
29.75% (+3.91%)
400 million ISKEst. 603 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
22.51tf (+2.51tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.137x (+0.017)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.408% (-0.59%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.87% (+1.03%)
80 million ISKEst. 107 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
17.04tf (-2.96tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.139x (+0.019)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.635% (-0.36%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
27.47% (+1.63%)
110 million ISKEst. 183 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
18.83tf (-1.17tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.141x (+0.021)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.341% (-0.66%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
27.24% (+1.4%)
110 million ISKEst. 156 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
17.58tf (-2.42tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.132x (+0.012)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.849% (-0.15%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
26.95% (+1.11%)
90 million ISKEst. 121 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
26.71tf (+6.71tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.124x (+0.004)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
12.557% (+1.56%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
28.55% (+2.71%)
200 million ISKEst. 255 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
29.96tf (+9.96tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.13x (+0.01)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
11.076% (+0.08%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
27.07% (+1.23%)
90 million ISKEst. 95 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
9.61GJ (+3.6GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
30.53tf (+0.53tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
11254.5m (+4.5m)
85 million ISKEst. 75 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
10.77GJ (+4.77GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
35.61tf (+5.61tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
11254.5m (+4.5m)
80 million ISKEst. 65 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
5.99GJ (-0.01GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
24.11tf (-5.89tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
13275m (+2025m)
1.1 billion ISKEst. 1.7 billion ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
38.95GJ (+10.95GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
31.46tf (-6.54tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
34008m (+4008m)
667 million ISKEst. 701 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
25.78GJ (-2.22GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
46.68tf (+8.68tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
29136m (-864m)
222 million ISKEst. 100 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
57.05GJ (+29.05GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
41.28tf (+3.28tf)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
34392m (+4392m)
222 million ISKEst. 331 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
44.84tf (+4.84tf)
Energy transfer amount
Energy transfer amount
118.74points (+8.74points)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
19009.6m (+3009.6m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
2081.52MW (+281.52MW)
3 million ISKEst. 12 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
38.66tf (-1.34tf)
Energy transfer amount
Energy transfer amount
115.39points (+5.39points)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
17128m (+1128m)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
1982.7MW (+182.7MW)
2.5 million ISKEst. 6.2 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
183.87GJ (+3.87GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
62.38tf (+12.38tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
522.58% (+17.58%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
149.79MW (-0.21MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
429.44% (-20.57%)
100 million ISKEst. 32 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
287.52GJ (-32.48GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
60.77tf (-3.23tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
538.96% (+33.96%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
1094.96MW (-30.04MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
435.7% (-64.3%)
250 million ISKEst. 305 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
211.96GJ (-78.04GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
100.39tf (+35.39tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
206.17% (+41.17%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
712.75MW (+87.75MW)
30 billion ISKEst. 6 billion ISK