

Meta Group

Meta Level


Character portrait
Modules owned by

I LikeBigboobs

Value between 1000000 and 100000000000

Estimated value

CPU usage
CPU usage
25.04tf (-2.96tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
29.94MW (+3.94MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
1304.64HP (+104.64HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
5.02m (+0.02m)
22 million ISKEst. 16 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
25.22tf (-2.78tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
30.63MW (+4.63MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
1423.44HP (+223.44HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
6.89m (+1.89m)
40 million ISKEst. 55 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
27.72tf (-0.28tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
25.68MW (-0.32MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
1386.72HP (+186.72HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
5.2m (+0.2m)
120 million ISKEst. 142 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
71.49GJ (+11.49GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
2.98s (-0.02s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
61.04tf (+14.04tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
12.17MW (+0.17MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
164.14HP (+1.14HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
2.3HP/GJ (-0.42HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
55.14HP/s (+0.81HP/s)
120 million ISKEst. 127 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
49.02GJ (-10.98GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
3.1s (+0.1s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
45.81tf (-1.19tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
14.77MW (+2.77MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
159.82HP (-3.18HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
3.26HP/GJ (+0.54HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
51.62HP/s (-2.72HP/s)
90 million ISKEst. 76 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
47tf (+7tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
160.83MW (+15.83MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
2790.97HP (+40.98HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
25.25m (+5.25m)
15 million ISKEst. 18 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
202.24GJ (+42.24GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
12.06s (+0.06s)
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
Armor Hitpoints Repaired
414.55HP (+46.55HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
31.17tf (+3.17tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
141.95MW (+3.95MW)
Armor Repair Efficiency
Armor Repair Efficiency
2.05HP/GJ (-0.25HP/GJ)
Armor Repair Speed
Armor Repair Speed
34.37HP/s (+3.71HP/s)
32 million ISKEst. 46 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
38.93tf (+8.93tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.1x (0)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
10.952% (+0.45%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
23.47% (+0.57%)
3 million ISKEst. 4.3 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
429.2GJ (+29.2GJ)
Activation time / duration
Activation time / duration
4.69s (-0.31s)
CPU usage
CPU usage
265.78tf (+35.78tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
655.35MW (+105.35MW)
Shield Bonus
Shield Bonus
708.8HP (+18.8HP)
Shield Boost Efficiency
Shield Boost Efficiency
1.65HP/GJ (-0.07HP/GJ)
Shield Boost Speed
Shield Boost Speed
151.23HP/s (+13.23HP/s)
13 million ISKEst. 41 million ISK
Armor Hitpoint Bonus
Armor Hitpoint Bonus
6305HP (+1305HP)
CPU usage
CPU usage
45.59tf (+10.59tf)
Mass Addition
Mass Addition
3469999.94kg (+969999.94kg)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
674.93MW (+179.93MW)
600 million ISKEst. 840 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
26.07tf (+6.07tf)
Damage Modifier
Damage Modifier
1.118x (-0.002)
Rate Of Fire Bonus
Rate Of Fire Bonus
13.123% (+2.12%)
DPS Increase
DPS Increase
28.67% (+2.83%)
250 million ISKEst. 286 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
51.08tf (+11.08tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
125.6MW (-19.4MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
2578.95HP (-171.05HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
23.97m (+3.97m)
70 million ISKEst. 50 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
325.7GJ (+45.7GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
69.42tf (-13.58tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
548.56% (+36.56%)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
1420MW (+170MW)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
495.24% (+20.23%)
500 million ISKEst. 596 million ISK
CPU usage
CPU usage
40.99tf (+6tf)
Powergrid Usage
Powergrid Usage
127.7MW (-22.3MW)
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
Shield Hitpoint Bonus
2525.32HP (-224.68HP)
Signature Radius Modifier
Signature Radius Modifier
21.41m (-3.59m)
50 million ISKEst. 60 million ISK
Activation Cost
Activation Cost
8.85GJ (+3.85GJ)
CPU usage
CPU usage
27.72tf (+2.72tf)
Maximum Velocity Bonus
Maximum Velocity Bonus
-60.99% (-0.99%)
Optimal Range
Optimal Range
15298.5m (+1298.5m)
150 million ISKEst. 170 million ISK